How to Delete an Uploaded Assignment in Bcourses

  • The template PDF
  • Who will upload submissions?
  • Release Appointment, Due Date, Tardily Due Date
  • Timed assignments
    • Timed assignments with Lockdown Browser
  • Extending dates and time limits
  • Submission Blazon
  • Group Submissions
  • Template Visibility (Homework, Exams, and Bubble Sheets)
  • Labeled Printouts (Beta)
  • Viewing active assignments
  • Editing Assignments (Assignment Settings)
  • Deleting
  • Creating multiple versions of a chimera sheet assignment
  • Linking an assignment or gradebook column from an LMS to Gradescope

To create a new consignment, clickCreate Consignment in the lesser right corner of your grade'sAssignments page.

The Create Assignment modal showing off all the assignment types on Gradescope.

A dialog box will announced where you have the option to select from a wide multifariousness of assignment types. If you lot want more than details about each blazon, cheque out the Assignment Types article. In general, here is a quick overview of each type:

  • Exam / Quiz: An instructor-uploaded assignment where students respond in designated regions.
  • Homework / Problem Set: Instructors specify a window of time that students can submit their work. Students upload their piece of work via their phone or computer.
  • Bubble Sail: Using a Gradescope Chimera Canvas template instructors can mark right answers and have submissions automatically graded.
  • Programming Assignment: Instructors can grade student lawmaking with autograders or manually grade each submission.
  • Online Consignment: Instructors create questions on Gradescope and students can submit responses online.

Many of these assignments share similar properties. Some of the eatables ones are below. Specific details for each type can be establish linked above.

The template PDF

The assignment settings focused on the template option.

The template PDF should be a blank version of your exam, or instructions such every bit a list of assigned homework problems. This PDF is used in further steps of Gradescope such as Creating an Outline.

Students will only be able to view and download this file if your consignment volition be student-uploaded and y'all have enabledTemplate Visibility. See theWho will upload submissions? andTemplate Visibility sections on this page for more information.

Who will upload submissions?

Assignment settings focused on the setting to indicate who uploads submissions to the assignment

Many assignment types let you specify whether you want instructors or students to upload submissions.

  • SelectTeacher if you want grade staff to collect, browse, and upload student work (e.chiliad., a paper-based quiz).
  • SelectPupil if you want students to upload their own work (e.chiliad., a problem ready, lab report, or programming assignment).

Submitting piece of work on students' behalf: Fifty-fifty if "Educatee" is selected as the primary uploader for an assignment, instructors can nonetheless utilise the Upload Submission button on the Manage Submissions folio to upload private submissions on behalf of students if needed.

Students will non be able to encounter any function of an instructor-uploaded assignment until grades are published. With educatee-submitted assignments, students will be able to submit work between the Release Date and the Due Appointment (or Late Due Engagement if ready). Students will so be able to see their graded work in one case the assignment is published. When students submit their work successfully to an assignment, they will receive an automated email from Gradescope that includes the day and time they submitted work, the assignment Due Date, the Late Due Date (if yous ready i), and a link to their submission. The email too reminds them that they can resubmit work every bit many times equally they need to until the Due Appointment.

Release Date, Due Date, Tardily Due Date

Assignment settings focused on the release date, due date, and late due date settings.

For student-uploaded work, there are a few actress options to set.

TheRelease Date specifies the appointment and fourth dimension when students will become able to submit their work. TheDue Engagement specifies when students will stop being able to submit their work without whatsoever late penalties. TheTardily Due Date specifies the terminal date when students volition be able to submit their work on Gradescope. Submissions uploaded between the due appointment and belatedly due date will exist marked 'belatedly' on the Manage Submissions folio, Review Grades folio, and in the grading interface. Y'all will be able to utilize custom belatedly penalties to belatedly submissions during grading, via the submission-specific bespeak adjustments field on the grading page, or by creating a "Late Deductions" question with its own rubric.

Late submissions: If you practise not want students to be able to upload late submissions, you can uncheck the "Allow late submissions" box. Instructors tin can likewise upload submissions for students at whatsoever time (even after the deadline) via theUpload Submission button on theManage Submissions folio.

Timed assignments

For all student-uploaded assignments (except Programming Assignments), you will too have the option to enforce a fourth dimension limit using theMaximum Fourth dimension Permitted feature. This allows you to give students a set number of minutes to complete an consignment from the moment they open up it and run into the questions or the submission dialog box.

When students open up an assignment with a time limit, they're told how long they accept to complete it and the latest date and time they tin can brainstorm working to take the full time allowed before the due date and late due date (if yous set one). And then to first the timer and see the assignment questions and/or submission dialog box, students must ostend that they'd like to begin. Students will also have a inaugural timer on their screen equally they complete the assignment. They tin hide the timer if they don't want to run into it and reveal again if they alter their mind.

Unless y'all have too enabled LockDown Browser (run across department below) during the submission menses, students tin can update their answers and resubmit files any number of times. The well-nigh recently submitted work at the terminate of the time limit will exist saved for you lot to view and class. Because students but take a finite corporeality of fourth dimension to enter their answers and submit work, timed assignments reduce the risk of students adulterous or working together to get the answers.

Timed assignments with Lockdown Browser

LockDown Browser availability postal service-beta: The LockDown Browser feature is currently in beta. While LockDown Browser is in beta, instructors must email to exist able to enable this feature for their class. Once out of beta, LockDown Browser will exist available with institutional site licenses and for individual courses subscribed to Gradescope Consummate.

If you're creating a timed Online Assignment, you will have the option to enable LockDown Browser Powered by Respondus. Enabling the LockDown Browser feature means that once your students have started their timed Online Consignment, they will exist taken to a secured browser window volition not be able to open any additional tabs, windows, or applications until they have finished their work. For specific steps on using this feature meet Additional security with LockDown Browser.

Extending dates and time limits

If you lot want to extend or change when a specific student tin can start, work on, or submit an assignment, check out Extending consignment release dates, due dates, belatedly due dates, and time limits.

To learn how to give a student more time on all timed assignments in a class, check out Extending fourth dimension limits at the course level. Currently, at the course level, you can just requite coating fourth dimension limit extensions. You cannot give a student an extension on all assignment release dates, due dates, or belatedly due dates in a class at once. You would need to give the student those extensions on each assignment.

Submission Type

If students will be uploading their own work on an Exam/Quiz and Homework/Problem Set assignment, you can choose the way y'all'd like them to upload their work. This is chosen the "submission type."  Here are the types you can choose from:

  • Variable Length
    • Students can submit whatsoever number of pages then indicate which pages correspond to which problem at upload fourth dimension. This is commonly used for a list of textbook bug or lab reports. (Nosotros support PDF and Paradigm uploads with this submission type)
  • Templated (Fixed Length)
    • Students are expected to write their responses in known regions. This works well for exams and worksheets. Because the location where students will marker their answers are stock-still, AI-Assisted Grading is available with this submission type. (We only support PDF uploads with this submission blazon)

Group Submissions

IfGroup Submissions are enabled, students will be able to add group members to their submission. You can set a limit for the maximum number of students that can be in a group. Students tin add or edit group members at whatsoever time (even later on the deadline), just you lot volition ever be able to see anybody's total submission history. You tin likewise add or delete group members by clicking on the submission from the Manage Submissions folio and clicking theGrouping Members button in the bottom activity bar.

Please note that instructor-uploaded group assignments aren't directly supported all the same, merely yous tin e-mail to learn more about treatment instructor-uploaded group assignments on Gradescope.

Template Visibility (Homework, Exams, and Bubble Sheets)

If y'all've configured your Homework, Exams, or Chimera Sheetsso that students will be uploading their own work, you will see an option to changeTemplate Visibility in your Assignment Settings. By selecting "Allow students to view and download the template" underTemplate Visibility, students will exist able to view and download a blank re-create of their assignment on Gradescope afterward the release date. On Homework / Problem Set and Exam / Quiz assignments, students will be downloading the bare template you uploaded to create your assignment outline. On Bubble Canvass assignments, students volition exist downloading Gradescope's bare 200-question template that contains v respond bubbles per question, only no question content. You lot volition nonetheless need to give students the questions for their multiple choice assignment outside of Gradescope.

Labeled Printouts (Beta)

Currently in beta for teacher-uploaded Homework/Problem Set and Exam/Quiz assignments, theCreate Printouts button on theManage Scans page allows you lot to generate a single PDF file containing labeled copies of your Template file. Y'all can download and distribute the labeled printouts to give each student a copy of the assignment with a unique label on each page. Students volition then complete their work on those labeled pages. When you browse in students' submissions, Gradescope will use the labels to automatically group the pages of each student's submission together, no matter the order they were scanned or uploaded in. For footstep-by-step instructions on this characteristic, see theManaging Scans help folio. To have this characteristic added to your courses, please contact

Viewing agile assignments

The course dashboard page displaying active assignments in a course.

You tin view all of your currently active assignments from theCourse Dashboard. Assignments remain active unless they have been published, take no pending regrade requests, and have not been updated in a calendar week. You can access all of your assignments (both active and inactive) from theAssignments tab in the left sidebar.

Editing Assignments (Assignment Settings)

A quick menu on the Course Dashboard to quickly jump to assignment settings.

If y'all ever wish to change your consignment settings you can click on the three dots to open a menu and can leap to the settings page for that assignment. Yous can also navigate to this page from inside an assignment and clicking on Settings in the left sidebar.

The assignment settings link highlighted within an assignment workflow.

On the Consignment Settings page, you also accept the option to set assignment-wide grading defaults, which include the default rubric type (positive or negative scoring) and default score premises (maximum and minimum possible score). If you'd like these default settings to use to all existing questions, cheque the "Utilise these settings to all questions" box.


Deleting an assignment is possible from theSettings page or by clicking on the three dots to the right of the assignment name on the Assignments dashboard. Upon clicking theDelete Assignment push button, you will be prompted to confirm your action. If you delete an assignment, the template, outline, and all associated submissions will be deleted equally well.

Creating multiple versions of a bubble sheet assignment

Currently in beta and bachelor upon emailed request, the assignment versioning feature lets you create a container to link multiple teacher-uploaded Exam, Homework, or Chimera Sheet assignments together. Delight annotation that assignment versioning is not availableyet  on Online Assignments, Programming Assignments, or any other type of student-uploaded assignment. To run across how to use this feature on your instructor-uploaded Exam, Homework, or Bubble Sheet assignments, check out the article on Creating and Grading Multi-Version Assignments.

Linking an assignment or gradebook cavalcade from an LMS to Gradescope

Check out our LMS Workflow section for instructions on how to link an assignment or grade item in Blackboard, Brightspace (D2L), Canvas, Moodle, and Sakai to Gradescope. The LMS Workflow section of the Help Centre also contains stride-past-stride instructions, images, and gifs about how to use Gradescope with an LMS every bit an instructor and a pupil.

Alternatively, check out the LMS Integration video on our Become Started folio to encounter how to connect your LMS to Gradescope and create and link assignments from the Gradescope website. Delight annotation that the video simply shows ane method for using Gradescope with an LMS, but updated videos for each LMS are in the works.

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